Newton County Texas
Her name is Heidi, Mighty Heidi Mae, she is the alpha female, beautiful, smart, fast, two years old, house trained, never had puppies, she is not pregnant or in heat. Understands most commands, does not have fleas. I am asking $50 for her to get in a happy home, or at least bring some of that happy in. Text or call 409 509 2003
12-31-24 8 AM Your Local loudspeaker is created for all citizens of Newton County Texas to use.. The above "Click Here To Edit" is where you can use "Your Loudspeaker" A few instances where you may choose to post on "Your Local Loudspeaker". You have lost something, You have found something,, (no charge), something has been stolen,, from you,, complaints against mistreatment from anyone public or private,, you have been ripped off online or locally, Free advice; Record audio that you suspect is going to treat you badly or unfairly. It's accountability time... but you cant accuse without proof, recording is your proof, your protection. Post Audio excepted. Send Your Material to:
December 31st, 2024 New Years eve, prepping T-RUFFF for launch. It would seem I am a army of one, but I gave my soul to Jesus when I was a young boy, So, what I am bringing to the table is a helping hand to everyone, perhaps in there time of need, but the name says it all, what a wonderful name. T-RUFFF
True Responsibility, Unity, Fairness, Freedom, Fun.
And I say for friends, family, faith, and the future of Humanity, all of us.
True Responsibility, Unity, Fairness, Freedom, Fun.
And I say for friends, family, faith, and the future of Humanity, all of us.